Cayananda's Trips
Dear All, in the last months I have been working to raise funds for Eduardo Caianiello’s travel and stay in India. Eduardo is a dear friend of mine; we have been schoolmates in secondary and high school. He has been living in France for a long time; he is a philosopher and professor. Eduardo is a builder of truth, and today, more than ever, we must defend, help and support people like him. Some time ago, Eduardo has been diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). He is still in good conditions and spirit, but official medicine doesn’t give him any chance, except support and machinery to let him artificially survive when his body will lose its functions. Recently, Eduardo got in contact with an Indian doctor in France. Dr. Dhanvantri treated Eduardo in his place for a couple of months with Ayurvedic medicine. The improvements have been outstanding and even the doctors of the Salpêtrière Hospital – those who diagnosed ALS – reported Eduardo’s better conditions. Encouraged by the results, Dr. Dhanvantri organized a one month stay for Eduardo in an Ayurvedic Institute, planning for him an intensive and articulated daily therapeutic program. We are calling for contributions to this wonderful journey. Thank you.
Eduardo's bank data:
IBAN: FR7610278372000001333330290
Eduardo's email: educaianiello@eironeia.eu